Lages, Luis Filipe; Silva, Graça Miranda; Canhoto, Ana Isabel; Martinez, Luis F.; & Jahanmir, Sara (2024). Balancing people, planet and profit: Export strategies for sustainable value creation, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 15 (4), 961-986.
Main topics: Sustainable value creation, Internationalisation, Innovation, Standardisation/adaptation, Decision-making.Sarmento, Maria; Simões, Cláudia; Lages, Luis Filipe (2024). From organizational ambidexterity to organizational performance: The mediating role of value co-creation. Industrial Marketing Management, 118, 175-188.
Main topics: Co-creation; Organizational ambidexterity; Exploratory orientation; Exploitative orientation; Organizational performanceLages, Luis Filipe; Catarino, Nuno; Gomes, Emanuel; Toh, Peter; Reis‑Marques, Carlos; Mohr, Mario; et al. (2023), “Solutions for the Commercialization Challenges of Horizon Europe and Earth Observation Consortia: Co‑creation, Innovation, Decision‑Making, Tech‑Transfer, and Sustainability Actions”, Electronic Commerce Research, 23, 1621–1663.
Main topics: VCW-Value Creation Wheel; VCW Sprint; VCW Journey; VCW Method; VCW Meta Framework; VCW Ecosystem; Innovation; eCommerce; Online Store; Business Models; Sustainability; Strategic Alliances; Earth Observation; Satellites; Horizon Europe; VCW Lab @ Nova SBE; NextLand; NextOceanLuis F. Lages; Ricard, Antonin; Hemonnet‐Goujot, Aurélie; Guerin, Anne‐Marie (2020), “Frameworks for Innovation, Collaboration, and Change: Value Creation Wheel, Design Thinking, Creative Problem‐Solving, and Lean“, Strategic Change, 29(2), 195-213.
Main topics: Value creation wheel; Design thinking; Creative problem‐solving; LeanReis-Marques, Carlos; Lages, Luis Filipe; Caminati, V.V. (2019), “VCW for Social Impact in a Developing Country: Personal Development and Entrepreneurship in a Leadership Academy“, In: Basil D., Diaz-Meneses G., Basil M. (eds). Social Marketing in Action. Springer Texts in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. pp 141-162.
Main topics: VCW Case-Study and Teaching Note: Training in leadership and entrepreneurship; Social impact; Decision making; Personal developmentLages, Luis Filipe; Fonseca, Vânia; Paulino, Miguel (2018), “The VCW-Value Creation Wheel: A Framework for Market Selection and Global Growth“, In: Leonidou L., Katsikeas C., Samiee S., Aykol B. (eds) Advances in Global Marketing. Springer, Cham.: pp 253-279.
Main topics: VCW Case-Studies: Market selection; Global growth; Strategy; Innovation; Decision Making; Healthcare; Technology; Retailing; Start-UpsFonseca, Vânia; Lages, Luis Filipe; Kim, Philip H. (2018), “Deimos: Expanding to a New Market Using the Value Creation Wheel“, Case BAB370-PDF-ENG, Harvard Business Publishing.
Main topics: VCW Case-Study and Teaching Note; Technology transfer; Innovation; International market selection; Decision-making; Aerospace; FarmingLages, Luis Filipe (2016), “VCW—Value Creation Wheel: Innovation, Technology, Business, and Society“, Journal of Business Research, 69(11): pp. 4849-4855.
Main topics: VCW Model; Decision making; Case-studies; DIANA theoretical framework; TIAGO customised framework.
Jahanmir, S. F., & Lages, L. F. (2016). “The Lag-User Method: Using laggards as a source of innovative ideas”, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 41, 1-19.
Main topics: Innovation; Laggards; Idea generation.
Jahanmir, S. F., & Lages, L. F. (2015). The late-adopter scale: A measure of late adopters of technological innovations. Journal of Business Research, 68(9), 1912-1917.
Covered by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) & WSJ TV. Main topics: Technology adoption; Innovation; Late adopters.Lages, L. F., Jap, S. D., & Griffith, D. A. (2008). The role of past performance in export ventures: A short-term reactive approach. Journal of International Business Studies, 39(2), 304-325.
Recipient of the 2018 American Marketing Association Research in Excellence Award.
Main topics: Export ventures; Past performance; Strategic adaptation.Lages, L. F., & Montgomery, D. B. (2004). Export performance as an antecedent of export commitment and marketing strategy adaptation: Evidence from small and medium-sized exporters. European Journal of Marketing, 38(9/10), 1186-1214.
Main topics: Export performance; Marketing strategy; SMEs, Empirical model (performance -> strategy under the influence of internal and external forces)Lages, L. F. (2000). A conceptual framework of the determinants of export performance: Reorganizing key variables and shifting contingencies in export marketing. Journal of Global Marketing, 13(3), 29-51.
Main topics: Export performance; Marketing strategy; International trade.Lages, L. F. (1999). Marketing lessons from Portuguese wine exporters: The development and application of a conceptual framework. Journal of Wine Research, 10(3), 269-281.
Main topics: Wine exports; Marketing strategy; Conceptual framework.
Complete list of publications (since 1994)
Main topics: Measurement of KPIs and intangibles; Strategy; Performance; Internal and external forces; International business; Marketing.